The Wellness Clinic
As we juggle busy lives, so over time our bodies can’t help but show the signs of the stresses and strains that come with it.
At the Wellness Clinic we’re dedicated to making you look and feel you’re very best.
We offer a wide range of beauty therapies and health treatments in a relaxed, clean and private environment. Our friendly team of therapists help men and women postpone the signs of ageing, improve fitness levels and body tone, reduce fatigue, and maintain a sense of well-being. And because no two people are the same, we go out of our way to match the right therapy or treatment to you, the individual.
You’ll find the Wellness Clinic just off New Street in Chelmsford, by the railway bridge. Ample parking is available around the corner in New Street and Victoria Road, and of course, we’re just a 2-3 minute walk from Chelmsford railway station. Call us on 01245 349933 to arrange an appointment or, if you’re not sure which health or beauty treatment is right for you, pop in for a chat first.
Beauty therapists
How you look affects how you feel. Fortunately, when it comes to giving Mother Nature a helping hand there are some very effective remedies available.
We offer a full range of advanced and safe cosmetic treatments, all clinically tested and proven. They range from Botox, cosmetic and dental surgery and laser treatments, to non-invasive beauty essentials such as Restylane and Jan Marini glycolic peels, electrolysis, body massages, manicures and pedicures, eyelash and eyebrow shaping, waxing and make-up.
Health treatments
How you feel affects how you look. Often our feeling of wellbeing deteriorates over time. We feel less and less ‘great’ but aren’t sure what the problem is. Or we know what the problem is but are daunted by the thought of tackling it! That’s where the Wellness Clinic can step in.
We don’t judge and we don’t ‘sell’, but we do offer thoughtful, educated advice on a range of health treatments and topics such as colonic hydrotherapy (also known as colonic irrigation), weight loss and fitness, metabolic typing and nutrition, homeopathy, hypnosis and counselling.
Often the road to good health seems shorter with someone beside you. All of our staff are highly trained and want to help make your journey as pleasant and successful as possible. So pick up the phone and call us today on 01245 349933.
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